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Información del Libro 'Libro 100 Ways To Disappear de Anónimo'

Libro 100 Ways To Disappear de Anónimo

Enviado por QuedeLibros el 2012-09-13 00:00:00

Resena: Libro que, luego de analizar las diferentes formas de control del gobierno y las instituciones, le pretende enseñar a las personas `trucos` o las `100 formas` para evadir ese control. (se refiere a la sociedad estadounidense)

Dice el autor:

The object of this publication is to suggest ways an individual can, in practice, escape his past and secure a new future, *on his own terms*. Individuals will vary greatly in how they carry out their disappearances, and it is our hope that the ideas we present here are useful towards those ends. We make no claims of completeness or of exhausting the subject, as that could be potentially dangerous were individuals to rely solely on this information. We must stress that everyone should think over his situation as carefully as possible, and then pick and choose which among our methods are best suited for his needs. Above all, he must begin using his head, trusting his hunches and instincts, and thinking of himself as separate, different, and even superior to those stuck in the System. He will have to become a Wolf. He must stand alone to be free.
--Barry Reid
January 1978

Idioma: Español
Categoría: Sociales, Varios

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