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Información del Libro 'Libro Lessons Out of School (inglés) de Upledger John E '

Libro Lessons Out of School (inglés) de Upledger John E

Enviado por QuedeLibros el 2012-09-13 00:00:00

Resena: Lessons Out of School: From Detroit Gangs to New Healing Paradigms - Life Stories

John Upledger has never avoided risks, whether performing an appendectomy in the eye of a hurricane, as he did while on Coast Guard duty in the 1950s, or telling the story of his life. In Lessons Out of School, he doesn’t spare himself or others, or gloss over unpleasant bits. Raised by an abusive mother, he learned detachment and the ability not to see himself as victim. The proof in these riveting tales of survival at home and on the streets of Detroit negotiating gangs and peer pressure. Along with toughness he learned to follow his curiosity, creative impulses, and love of learning, which eventually led to his pioneering of alternative medical modalities, most notably CranioSacral Therapy. At the core of each of the stories in this powerful blend of autobiography and inspirational guid—and the reason for its inclusion—is the spiritual lesson Upledger found there that he now shares with readers.

Idioma: INGLÉS
Categoría: Lengua y Literatura,

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