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Información del Libro 'Libro Rebuilding Germany. - The Creation of the Social Market Economy 1945-1957 de Hook James C van '

Libro Rebuilding Germany. - The Creation of the Social Market Economy 1945-1957 de Hook James C van

Enviado por QuedeLibros el 2012-09-13 00:00:00

Resena: Rebuilding Germany - The Creation of the Social Market Economy 1945-1957

The social market economy has served as a fundamental pillar of postwar Germany. Today, it is associatedwith the Europeanwelfare state. Initially, itmeant the opposite. After Nazism’s defeat, West Germany departed from a tradition of state-directed economic policy. Coinciding with the 1948 Allied currency reform,West Germany abandoned Nazi-era economic controls for the free market. Supporters of this “social market economy” argued that Germany’s historical experiences proved that such a free market could better achieve social ends than could socialism itself.

Rebuilding Germany examines the 1948 West German economic reforms that dismantled the Nazi command economy and ushered in the fabled “economic miracle” of the 1950s. Van Hook evaluates the U.S. role in German reconstruction, the problematic relationship of Chancellor Konrad Adenauer and his economics minister, Ludwig Erhard, theWest German “economic miracle,” and the extent to which the social market economy represented a departure from the German past.
In a nuanced and fresh account, Van Hook evaluates the American role in West German recovery and the debates about economic policy withinWest Germany, to show that Germans themselves had surprising room to shape their economic and industrial system.

Idioma: INGLES
Categoría: Sociales,

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