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Información del Libro 'Libro The 17 Day Diet de Moreno Mike'

Libro The 17 Day Diet de Moreno Mike

Enviado por QuedeLibros el 2012-09-13 00:00:00

Resena: If you need to shed pounds fast and in a safe, effective, and lasting way, this is the book for you! Unlike many diet programs that starve you down to size, Dr. Mike Moreno’s 17 Day Diet relies on proven methods to help you take weight off and keep it off for good—whether you’ve got 10 pounds to lose or 100. His revolutionary program adjusts your body metabolically so that you burn fat day in and day out. The program is structured around four 17 day cycles:
Accelerate—the rapid weight loss portion that helps flush sugar and fat storage from your system
Activate—the metabolic restart portion with alternating low and high calorie days to help shed body fat
Achieve—this phase is about learning to control portions and introducing new fitness routines Arrive—a combination of the first three cycles to keep good habits up for good. On weekends, enjoy your favorite foods!
Each cycle changes your calorie count and the food that you’re eating. The variation that Dr. Mike calls ‘body confusion’ keeps your metabolism guessing; this means that you can expect big changes in the first 17 days alone!

Idioma: INGLÉS
Categoría: Medicina, Nutrición

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