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Información del Libro 'Libro The Ones That Got Away (inglés) de Jones Stephen Graham '

Libro The Ones That Got Away (inglés) de Jones Stephen Graham

Enviado por QuedeLibros el 2012-09-13 00:00:00

Resena: There's another story where the title itself can give you nightmares. Two words for you: "Meat Tree." Think about that.
King called his men's magazine stories that populated Night Shift and Skeleton Crew "screamers." Well, Jones takes the screamer mentality and deploys it full force, with an ability prod you along with sentences that are sharp enough to cut. Twisty and startling, the stories don't finish up in predictable "screamer" fashion many times . . . they just worm their way into you, make themselves at home, and you'll feel like your balance is off for a few days. You find yourself wanting a little extra sunshine, maybe a long shower. This effect is achieved largely through the use of childhood as a gateway to the horrors within the collection, and the close attention paid to who the horror happens to as opposed to how.
The story notes are a treasure trove for anyone interested in fiction, the author, or just loves having insight into these excellent stories. Better than that crap bonus material you find DVD's, that's for sure.

Idioma: INGLÉS
Categoría: Lengua y Literatura, Narrativa

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